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Farm King County
Business Planning

Business Planning

Whether beginning or expanding your farm enterprise, a solid business plan is essential for testing viable business ideas and financing your business. While each farm is unique and must take the specific land, products, production techniques and marketing sector under analysis, the agriculture sector has specific resources for business planning including hands-on courses, guides, and templates.


Chef Mike
Chef Mike serves up locally grown seasonal dishes at Madrona Farmers Market - Photo: Zachary D. Lyons

Business Impact Northwest
The Food Business Resource Center - FBRC - is a one-stop-shop for Washington State food entrepreneurs to access skills, resources, networks, and marketplace opportunities needed to start, run, and grow a successful food-related business.

A program of Business Impact NW, The Food Business Resource Center is proud to work with many partner organizations including farmers groups, kitchen incubators, regional food system initiatives, public agencies, eaters, and other businesses throughout Washington State to bring together our robust network.

Resources include:

Washington State University
Washington State University’s award-winning Cultivating Success Agricultural Entrepreneurship course is an in-depth business planning course which covers:

Participants produce a completed business plan by completion of course. Farmers and small business resource providers serve as guest speakers, bringing real world experience to the class. Students complete a business plan that they can take to the bank.

Northwest Agricultural Business Center (NABC)


Building a Sustainable Business
A Guide to Developing a Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses

Farm box microgreens Dan
Farmer Dan Albert of Farmbox Greens in West Seattle- Photo: Zachary D. Lyons

Washington State Department of Revenue

Washington State



Got Soup Jerry Caldron
Michaele Blakely of Growing Things Farm with her goats, part of a diversified vegetable and animal farm - Photo: Zachary D. Lyons

Building a Sustainable Business

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